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On top of that, a mysterious stranger returned to Venice and Damiano is weary around his menacing persona. On one such occasion, he found an unexpected inhabitant in one of the supposedly deserted places. The flood of tourists in the city allowed him to continue his little life of crime during the summer, but in the dead season of winter, he was forced to cut the costs of his living expenses and find shelter in abandoned buildings. The money was tight and Damiano had to rely on another set of skills to keep his income steady.

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Running from his past and trauma and struggling with his survival, he discovered his means of survival by helping out Mister Amadeus, a sick book salesman, around his picturesque second-hand book store. Perché anche gli angeli, a volte, han paura della morte.Ĭottagecorehardcore Fandoms: Måneskin (Band)Īt the beginning of the 20th century, Damiano David found himself homeless in the beautiful city of Venice.

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